Celeste Uhl

Celeste Uhl graduated from Bowling Green State University with a B.A. in psychology. During undergrad, she conducted a pilot study observing the relationships between self-compassion and perfectionism in music majors with the Mindful Behavior Therapies and Psychophysiology Lab as well as a research project in theoretical cognitive neuroscience exploring potential cerebellar contributions to creative cognition in jazz musicians. Currently, she is continuing her education as a research assistant in the TAP lab while preparing to get her doctorates. Outside of her schooling, she enjoys the outdoors, reading, and playing pickleball.

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Cormac Avila

Cormac Avila is a senior majoring in Psychology and Jazz Studies, and minoring in Cognitive Science. Upon graduation, he hopes to pursue a graduate degree in neuroscience while continuing to play piano in the music industry. His hobbies include reading philosophy and spending time with family.

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Rachael Farquharson

Rachael Farquharson is a sophomore in the College of Social Science and the College of Music at Michigan State University. Her majors are a B.S. in Psychology and a B.A. in Voice Performance. She plans to use the TAP lab as an opportunity to gain research experience and explore the connections between culture, imagination, and the perception of music.

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Tanmay Shekhar

Tanmay Shekhar is a junior in the College of Natural Science at Michigan State University. Currently, he is running participants and analyzing data for one of the labs current projects (MINT). After graduation, he plans to continue involving himself in related research. His hobbies include reading, philosophy, and playing the trombone.

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Matthew Oakes

Matthew Oakes recently graduated from Michigan State University earning his masters in Music Theory. His research interests include perception of auditory grouping, music perception and cognition, and music theory pedagogy. Outside of school, Matthew deeply enjoys running, cooking, talking with his fiancé, talking with friends and family back home in Texas, and playing with his awesome cat.

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