2024.08 —
This July, Matthew Oaks, recent TAP Lab graduate, presented his research at SMPC. The project title was "How Slow is Too Slow: Investigating the Breakdown of Rhythmic Grouping at Slow Tempi". The study examined the role of tempo in determining whether sounds are perceived as grouped together or isolated in time.
2024.05 —
This May, recent graduate Kyle Oliver presented a poster titled "The role of speech rhythm in speech understanding in zoom-like conditions" at the Midwest Cognitive Science Conference in Athens, OH.
2024.05 —
This May, PhD student Toni Smith & Lab Manager Bailey Rann presented a poster titled, "Relationship between working memory and auditory rhythm discrimination in adults who stutter" at the Midwest Cognitive Science Conference in Athens, OH.
2024.05 —
This April, Lab Manager Bailey Rann presented a talk at the Symposium on Timing and Rhythm (STAR) conference at McMaster University in Hamilton, ON titled "Inconceivable! The spontaneous synchronization to speech test does not measure what you think it does".
2024.05 —
This April, PhD student Toni Smith presented a talk at the Symposium on Timing and Rhythm (STAR) conference at McMaster University in Hamilton, ON titled "Examining the effects of target speech rhythm on understanding speech in noise".
2023.12 —
PSY Student Research Spotlight: Kyle Oliver
This year, Kyle received a Dean's Assistantship Award from the College of Social Science to help fund his own research in the TAP Lab. Read more about Kyle and his current research here: https://psychology.msu.edu/news-events/news/kyle-oliver.html
2023.09 —
Recent graduate and Lab Manager Bailey Rann will be presenting Dr. McAuley's poster titled, "What does the spontaneous speech synchronization task measure?" this October at the annual Society for the Neurobiology of Language conference in Marseille, France.
2022.11 — Graduate student Toni Smith presented a poster titled "Speech Rhythm is Important for Selective Attention to Target Speech Amidst Noise" at the Psychonomic Society's 63rd annual meeting in Boston
2022.11 — Dr. McAuley gave an invited talk at the 18th Neuromusic Conference at McMaster University. https://livelab.mcmaster.ca/events/18th-annual-neuromusic-conference-2022/
2022.08 — Dr. Devin McAuley, Jewelian Fairchild, and Anusha Mamidipaka presented a talk titled "Narrative imaginings and music's perceived duration" at the Biennial Meeting of the Society for Music Perception and Cognition.
2022.08 — Graduate student Carrie Kroger presented a poster at the Biennial Meeting of the Society for Music Perception and Cognition.
2022.08 — Samantha Waddell, Jewelian Fairchild, and Anusha Mamidipaka presented a poster on the roles of topicality and musical contrast in narrative perceptions of music at the Biennial Meeting of the Society for Music Perception and Cognition in Portland, Oregon.
2021.12 — Graduate student Toni Smith and undergraduate student Anusha Mamidipaka presented a poster titled "Effect of relative timing of target and background words on speech understanding using the Coordinate Response Measure paradigm" at the 181st Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America in Seattle, Washington on December 2nd, 2021, 1:30 PM - 4:30 PM.
2021.11 — Dr. McAuley gave a talk entitled "Effects of Speech-Rhythm Disruption on Selective Listening with a Single Background Talker" at the Annual Meeting of the Psychonomic Society on Friday, November 5th, 8:20 - 8:40.
2021.11 — Graduate student Carolyn Kroger presented a virtual poster titled: “Are you a dweller or a bobber? Individual differences in tapping to slow rhythms” at the 19th annual Auditory Perception, Cognition, and Action Meeting on November 4th, 2021.
2021.07 — The Tempo Group presented a virtual poster at ICMPC, which took place from July 28th to July 31st, 2021. Dr. VanHandel, Zachary Lookenbill, Gerardo Lopez, and Dr. McAuley’s poster is titled “Rhythmic Complexity and Tempo Anchoring Effects in Tempo Determination.”
2021.07 — Graduate student Zachary Lookenbill, Dr. VanHandel, and Dr. McAuley presented a virtual poster titled, “Rhythmic Complexity is not Syncopation: An Investigation into Additional Factors of Perceived Complexity” at the International Conference on Music Perception and Cognition Conference (ICMPC), which took place from July 28th to July 31st, 2021.
2020.10 — Graduate student Toni Smith presented a virtual talk on the role of speech rhythm in the perception of speech in multi-talker contexts at the Auditory Perception, Cognition, and Action Meeting (APCAM) on Nov. 19th.
2020.09 — Graduate students Zachary Lookenbill and Gerardo Lopez presented a talk with live Q&A “How Fast Should This Rhythm Go: Rhythmic Cues For Tempo Determination” at the Australian Music & Psychology Society.
2020.08 — Narrative Listening project presented their project virtually at the Mid-Michigan Symposium for Undergraduate Research Experiences. Check out their presentation! https://youtu.be/M2H-DVjLcDI
2020.03 — Graduate student Carrie Kroger presented a talk at the 2020 New England Sequencing and Timing (NEST) meeting on April 4th at the University of Connecticut. https://musicdynamicslab.uconn.edu/home/nest/
2020.02 — Go check out the researcher bio for our newest member, Alperen!
2019.11 — Everyone should go check out this article written in conjunction with our very own Dr. VanHandel! If you have ever wondered about what makes the "perfect playlist," then look no further. https://forge.medium.com/amp/p/975fd9876575
2019.10 — Dr. McAuley is a co-author with colleagues from IU on a poster entitled 'Age effects on timing perception of altered sentence rhythms' that will be presented at the Aging and Speech Communication Conference, November 4 - 6, Tampa, Florida. http://www.eng.usf.edu/agingandspeech2019/
2019.10 — Congratulations to Becca Vroegop and Kelly Russell for receiving Provost Undergraduate Research Initiative (PURI) Awards for their research projects for this academic year.
2019.08 — Let's welcome Toni Smith who is joining the TAP lab as a new graduate student in the Psychology Ph.D. program! Toni completed her undergraduate degree at the University of Connecticut, working with Professor Ed Large.
2019.07 — Undergraduate students Anusha Mamidipaka and Gabby Kinding presented their research on "A Cross-Cultural Comparison of Narrative Responses to Instrumental Music" at the Mid-Michigan Summer Undergraduate Research Experience on July 24th.
2018.10 — Dr. McAuley presented two talks at the Auditory Perception Cognition and Action Meeting (APCAM) in New Orleans, titled, "The role of rhythm in understanding speech in difficult listening situations" and "A cross-cultural approach to narrative experiences of music".
2018.10 — Graduate student Carrie Kroger and Dr. McAuley presented their research on the bimanual advantage at the Auditory Perception Cognition and Action Meeting (APCAM) in New Orleans.
2018.10 — Graduate Students Carrie Kroger and Ni-La Le presented their research on "Cross-linguistic differences in the effects of distal prosody on speech segmentation" at the 59th annual meeting of the Psychonomic Society in New Orleans.
2018.10 — Graduate students Carrie Kroger and Ni-La Le presented research on the Cross-linguistic differences in the effects of distal prosody on speech segmentation at the Tone and Intonation Conference in Gothenburg, SE and at the Generative Approaches to Language Acquisition North America (GALANA) Conference at Indiana University.
2018.07 — Undergraduates Audrey Drotos, Sarah Dec, and Jacob Zerka presented their research at the Mid-Michigan Summer Undergraduate Research Experience on July 24. Audrey presented on tempo determination, Sarah presented on rhythmic variation and speech, and Jacob presented on the lab's Adagia website, which you can check out here.
2017.08 — Graduate student Lauren Amick and Dr. McAuley published a new paper with Drs. Chang and Wade titled "Social and cognitive impressions of adults who do and do not stutter based on listeners’ perceptions of read-speech samples" in Frontiers in Psychology.
2017.08 — Dr. Leigh VanHandel and undergraduate Audrey Drotos presented research at the Society for Music Perception and Cognition Meeting in San Diego, California on how melodic factors affect tempo determination.
2017.07 — Undergraduate researcher Audrey Drotos presented TAP Lab research on speech perception in noise differences between musicians and non-musicians at the Mid-Michigan Summer Undergraduate Research Experience on July 26.
2017.07 — TAP Lab Researchers Lauren Amick, Audrey Drotos, Sarah Dec, and Shay Robison traveled to Birmingham, England last week for the 16th Annual Rhythm Production and Perception Workshop! This biannual conference brings together some of the forefront researchers in rhythm to exchange ideas and learn from each other. Graduate student Lauren Amick presented research on the perception of auditory grouping, and all of the lab members enjoyed learning about new research in the fields of music, speech, and rhythm.
2017.06 — Drs. McAuley and Phillips received a new grant from the National Science Foundation in collaboration with Dr. Lisa Margulis at the University of Arkansas to investigate the role of narrative in music perception. We're excited to work on this new project in the TAP Lab!
2016.12 — Congratulations to Dr. Ellie Kim Fromboluti on the successful defense of her dissertation, Thursday, December 1, 2016!
2016.10 — Graduate students Elisa Fromboluti and Lauren Amick presented at Auditory Perception Cognition and Action (APCAM) in Boston, Massachusetts.
2016.10 — A new article by Dr. McAuley and colleagues entitled "Cerebellar Response to Familiar and Novel Stimuli" has been accepted and is currently in press at Behavioral Neuroscience.
2016.10 — TAP Lab alumna Dr. Molly Henry presented a talk entitled "Neural and environmental rhythms: Perception is shaped by synchronization of neural oscillations with environmental rhythms" on Friday, October 13th at 11:00 a.m. at the cognitive science forum in Psychology building room 230.
2016.10 — Dr. McAuley presented a talk on Friday, September 30, at the RAIND seminar, brown bag series.
2015.11 — TAP and Long labs have received a $10k S3 grant from MSU for their collaboration on an interactive web-based platform for promoting public engagement in the scientific process!
2015.11 — Graduate student Elizabeth Wieland is presenting "Rhythm perception and functional connectivity differences in children who stutter" at the American Speech Language Hearing Association meeting being held in Denver, Colorado, November 12–14, 2015.
2015.11 — Dr. Devin McAuley was featured in The Next Web News for his interview with WNYC’s RadioLab explaining an auditory-visual rhythm illusion.
2015.11 — Drs. McAuley and Phillips travelled to New York University to participate in a global initiative on neuroaesthetics in poetry, music, and visual arts that was held October 29th - 30th, 2015.
2015.10 — Graduate student Elisa Kim Fromboluti’s rhythm experiment, which investigated how perceptual biases influence how we experience rhythmic sequences, was an Art Prize entry, collecting data from Art Prize visitors, who are be able to view their own data online.
2014.11 — TAP lab graduate student Katherine Jones presented at the 2014 (November 20th) Auditory Perception, Cognition, and Action Meeting in Long Beach, California.
2014.09 — The new transcranial magnetic stimulation equipment for our shared cognitive neuroimaging facility arrived!
2014.05 — Dr. Devin McAuley chaired the "Musical Rhythm and Language Development" Symposium at the Neurosciences and Music V Conference held on May 29-June 1, 2014 in Dijon, France. In addition, he gave a talk entitled "Rhythm processing in development stuttering."
2013.11 — Dr. Devin McAuley along with TAP lab members Elisa Kim Fromboluti, Katherine Jones, Courtney Cox and Prashanth Rajarajan presented at the Society for Neuroscience Conference in San Diego on Nov 9-13, 2013.
2013.10 — Elisa Kim Fromboluti and Katherine Jones were featured in the local news (City Pulse) for their crowdfunding campaign.
2013.09 — Congratulations to Trisha Zdziarska and Elizabeth Wieland for winning the two grand prize student awards at Society for Music Perception and Cognition (SMPC) Conference!
2013.06 — Six members of the TAP Lab presented research at the Society for Music Perception and Cognition (SMPC) Conference on August 8–11, 2013 in Toronto, Ontario.
2013.05 — Karli Nave, Jonathan Walters, and Trisha Zdziarska received Dean's Assistantships for the 2013–2014 Academic Year. Congratulations!
2012.11 — Dr. McAuley participated in the National Academies Keck Future Initiatives meeting on "The Informed Brain in a Digital World." November 14–17, 2012.
2012.07 — Chris Heffner, Dr. Dilley, and Dr. McAuley presented at the Perspectives on Rhythm and Timing Workshop at the University of Glasgow, UK, July 19–21, 2012.
2012.07 — Ellie Kim and Dr. McAuley presented at the Perspectives on Rhythm and Timing Workshop at the University of Glasgow, UK, July 19–21, 2012.
2012.07 — Dr. Tuuli Morrill and Karli Nave presented posters at the International Conference on Music Perception and Cognition, July 23–28, in Thessaloniki, Greece.
2012.07 — Dr. Dilley gave a talk in Stuttgart, Germany, at the 13th Conference on Laboratory Phonology, July 27–29, 2012.