
Funding for students in the TAP Lab is available through a variety of sources. There are two main types of funding: travel funding and research funding. Travel funding is available to students who have had their work accepted as a talk or poster at a conference. Research funding is available to students who have a project proposal for the semester and typically funds student stipends.

Students interested travel funding to a conference can follow the steps below to get started:

  1. Put together a budget that includes conference fees, travel, and hotel. Be sure to check whether the hotel is included in your conference registration fee, and also budget for your travel to and from the airport.
  2. Check with different departments to see where funding is available. Start with your specific major department, and then look more broadly through the colleges. If your major doesn’t specifically list research funding on their website, contact the head of the department–sometimes funding is still available. Here are a few places that offer travel funding.
  3. Often, conference travel requires “seed funding” from the lab in order to apply for further funding. If this is the case, inquire with Dr. McAuley to get started.

Students interested in research funding can use the following steps to get started:

  1. Talk with Dr. McAuley about the project you’d like to begin working on. The type of funding you apply for depends on whether you are doing your own project or working on one that already exists in the lab.
  2. Check with your college to see what type of research funding is available for semester and year-long projects. Here are some examples of funding students have received in the past: