Everyone should go check out this article written in conjunction with our very own Dr. VanHandel! If you have ever wondered about what makes the “perfect playlist,” then look no further. https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://forge.medium.com/the-perfect-productivity-playlist-according-to-brain-science-975fd9876575__;!ioFpBMP7lJU!n2X4Qm5wHSq65XeHDL0d2bRZ2n78r0zqmGJTA7mbPA_efMeFZEEYiTs9MCTyAzyV$

Everyone should go check out this article written in conjunction with our very own Dr. VanHandel! If you have ever wondered about what makes the “perfect playlist,” then look no further. https://forge.medium.com/amp/p/975fd9876575

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Dr. McAuley is a co-author with colleagues from IU on a poster entitled ‘Age effects on timing perception of altered sentence rhythms’ that will be presented at the Aging and Speech Communication Conference, November 4 – 6, Tampa, Florida.

Dr. McAuley is a co-author with colleagues from IU on a poster entitled ‘Age effects on timing perception of altered sentence rhythms’ that will be presented at the Aging and Speech Communication Conference, November 4 – 6, Tampa, Florida. http://www.eng.usf.edu/agingandspeech2019/

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